Summer Rae, Sasha Banks & Charlotte: BFFs wronged by the system?

When Summer Rae first approached Sasha Banks about forming a partnership on WWE NXT, observers quickly assumed that she was simply using her influence to brainwash the young NXT Diva. Christening themselves The BFFs (Beautiful Fierce Females), Summer and Sasha have now added a third piece to their cunning connection: Charlotte.

“Charlotte fits what Sasha and I are trying to accomplish,” Summer told “She deserves to be the face of NXT, just as much as we do.”

Even though Fandango’s leggy dance partner has already earned the television “face time” and exposure that many Superstars and Divas can only dream of, Banks has been widely praised as the future of the Divas division during her NXT career. And now there’s Charlotte, one of NXT’s most athletic Divas and daughter to one of the greatest sports-entertainers of all-time, Ric Flair.

With so much positive momentum surrounding their individual careers, many in the NXT Universe are asking: Why the need to form this power pack of femininity?